Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sometimes we question ourselves that can love just be pertained to the moral grounds and grant it to that one person who has found love by an affirmation that one has stuck by the other, regardless of suffering the odds ...
regardless of meeting dysfuncionality in ones context....

An affair can count the distance between conscience and the soul...if one can correspond to it as a large distance, one suffers from infringing from the one who supposedly just believed in supervising his thoughts in a more undirectional way just by adding a word -"protection" to satisfactorily clone all and burn the sentiments,excitements and soul-searching methods of all who supposedly as humans and animals have their own rights to instincts,conscience and emotions....

Lady Chatterly's lover helped me retrospect our social truth that:
If the word fidelity promises to secure the necessarily loved and protected, then the word infidelity supersedes the former by being objectively honest to ones instincts and emotions.

We as people shape our motives and in doing that we answer the true quality of the situation in love and find the sense in love as-
"Lucid or Lewd"!!

PS: The above is for all who never question their real self and situation but respond with their confusion....

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About Me

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Milan, Milan, Italy
I happen to be a Fashion stylist persuing similar studies from life and otherwise...I am currently stationed in Milan/Italy for the same.AM A LEARNER.......Basically, I enjoy being a student of life..I like ROMANCING EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE AND LEAVING BEHIND MY RETROSPECTIVE FOOTPRINTS ON THE GROUNDS OF REALITY. AM LIKE A COCONUT-to damn hard to break and eventually if you find me,you shall see that I major in concocting madness and pleasure with unexpected sorts.. Just like WINE,my WORK & I HAPPEN 2 BE AN ACQUIRED TASTE.. ...As I am infamously christened as- "A PERFORMER": I don't like to take the drama home,I leave it behind for the ones who all watch 2 savour and remember...and to help me capture and carry the best from all the olds,the goods and the odds... This blog is a documentative quest that I embark on to learn and unlearn!!!